G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR

211,650.00 Rasprodaja Sačuvati
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G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR
G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR

G&L FD ASAT Special 3-Tone Sunburst CR

211,650.00 Rasprodaja Sačuvati
Bez PDV-a
Postoji ASAT Classic i postoji ASAT Special. Oni su blizanci u smislu oblika, ali hardver je potpuno drugačiji. Special ima ove široke MFD Jumbo pickup-e nalik kutiji za sapun, i zahvaljujući njima - luksuzan, ogroman, pomalo grub ton, rođen u ovim jedinstvenim pickupima divljeg karaktera.

Zvuče pomalo kao starinski P-90 ili Jazzmaster, ali sa još više snage. Oni proizvode jači low end i svetlije visoke frekvencije. Vibraciju tada pokupi telo od pažljivo odabrane jove i prožeto je mnoštvom prizvuka. Kao rezultat, čak i najobičniji niz akorda pretvara se u akustični užitak. Kao što je Adam dao imena životinjama, tako i momci iz G&L-a imaju pravo da imenuju svoje instrumente i njihove boje.

Boja je 3-Tone Sunburst, i ovde više nisu potrebne reči. Možete zauvek gledati u vatru, vodu koja teče i Sunburst gitaru. Prelaz plamena u tamu je naša najprimitivnija slika. Vatra kao simbol doma, topline i života. Leo, jesi li tako pronašao ovaj Sunburst?

FD je skraćenica za gitare serije Fullerton Deluxe napravljene u rodnom mestu bolt-on gitare tačno onako kako ih je Leo Fender zamislio. Svi FD instrumenti dolaze sa originalnom G&L torbom i sertifikatom o poreklu sa detaljnom specifikacijom instrumenta.

Every guitar in our store is completely checked and set up by our guitar luthiers so that the guitar is easy to play yet without buzz. And if you have any special wishes regarding setup - tell us (or specify) when making an order and we will be happy to make a perfect guitar for you :)

Also, you have to keep in mind that wood is a living material. Guitar’s geometry changes a little over time, adjusting to temperature and humidity, so there is no setup that can last forever. To save you a headache, we have a free setup service for our instruments! If you feel that something is off you can bring it to us so that we can return everything to it’s perfect original state.

For online orders we manually pack each guitar into a ton of wraps and carton and also have full insurance for all our shippings. So that you wouldn’t worry that something might happen on the way.

Preuzimаnje nije dostupn na Zemun, Zmaj Jovina 27

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Helpful information

Safety world shipment

We manually pack each guitar into a ton of wraps and carton and also have full insurance for all our shippings. So that you wouldn’t worry that something might happen on the way.

Every guitar checked!

Every guitar is completely checked and set up  by our guitar luthiers so that the guitar is easy to play yet without buzz. And if you have any special wishes regarding setup - tell us :)

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