Ditson G-10
Ditson G-10
Ditson je ćerka kompanija Sigma Guitars-a. Nakon mnogo godina stvaranja kvalitetnih akustičnih gitara i očuvanja njihovog nasleđa, Sigma Guitars je odlučila da sa Ditson Guitars-om napravi kvalitetne instrumente koji zadovoljavaju potrebe nadolazećih muzičara. Imaju iste oblike tela koje svi poznajemo i volimo, jer su modelovane i izvedene iz Martin gitara.
Često skraćeno kao OM - prateći Martinovu nomenklaturu - oni su veći od parlour gitara i imaju bogatiji zvuk, a zadržavaju udobnost i svirljivost. Nemaju toliko basa kao grand auditorium ili dreadnought gitare i zbog toga su savršeni za melodičnije i preciznije sviranje. Ovaj oblik postiže ravnotežu između svirljivosti i projekcije zvuka. Poznati su po svom prepoznatljivom zvuku, pružajući svetle visoke tonove, dobru artikulaciju i izbalansiran ton, OM modeli su pogodni za širok spektar muzičkih stilova. Orchestra model gitare su idealne za početnike jer proizvode prelep, zadovoljavajući ton, a da pri tome ne ugrožavaju udobnost i svirljivost.
Every guitar in our store is completely checked and set up by our guitar luthiers so that the guitar is easy to play yet without buzz. And if you have any special wishes regarding setup - tell us (or specify) when making an order and we will be happy to make a perfect guitar for you :)
Also, you have to keep in mind that wood is a living material. Guitar’s geometry changes a little over time, adjusting to temperature and humidity, so there is no setup that can last forever. To save you a headache, we have a free setup service for our instruments! If you feel that something is off you can bring it to us so that we can return everything to it’s perfect original state.
For online orders we manually pack each guitar into a ton of wraps and carton and also have full insurance for all our shippings. So that you wouldn’t worry that something might happen on the way.
Helpful information
We manually pack each guitar into a ton of wraps and carton and also have full insurance for all our shippings. So that you wouldn’t worry that something might happen on the way.
Every guitar is completely checked and set up by our guitar luthiers so that the guitar is easy to play yet without buzz. And if you have any special wishes regarding setup - tell us :)